We start at 8 in the morning towards the archaeological zone of Cuauhtinchan that is located on a mountain, in the valley of Malinalco. The site is accessed by stairs that have brief explanations at each break.
Inside the Cuauhcalli are carved on the stone, a skin with jaguar head and on each side an eagle. It is believed that there were ceremonies of initiation of the Eagle and Tiger Warriors, the most important orders in the Mexican military hierarchy. Among the best known is Cuauhtémoc, the last Aztec emperor. The entrance frame to the enclosure is the mouth of a snake with protruding fangs and a long forked tongue carved on the floor, like a rug.
The population of Malinalco also offers us: The Luís Mario Schneider University Museum, of high level and with local guides, shows us how important this site was, with replicas of the monolith, pre-Hispanic pieces and samples of indigenous herbalism. The Augustinian Convent of the 16th century, "del Divino Salvador", built in 1543, and to date completely restored, it has beautiful mural paintings made by local artists. It is a building that stands out, at a national level, for its beauty and state of preservation. The Malinalco Center, with its cobbled streets, also offers crafts typical products such as fruit snow, pink guavas, organic coffee, bread in portals and several restaurants to choose from.
The Sanctuary of the Lord of Chalma, located 10 km away, is one of the most visited Catholic sanctuaries in the whole country and they consider it very miraculous.
DURATION: 8:00 to 18:00 hrs

Tour Includes:
Departure Days: