We left 09:00 hrs. in the direction of Cholula, where is the largest pyramid in Mesoamerica, with 65 meters of height. Continuation to Santa María Tonantzintla, temple beautifully decorated by indigenous hands. The roof and the vault of the church are impressive because they are crowded with figures in relief of fruits, angels, cherubs and saints, who made the natives, taught by the friars, to show their idea of heaven and their love to the Virgin or mother Tonantzin.
We will continue to Puebla de los Ángeles, founded in 1531, to admire the Cathedral, a mixture of Renaissance and Baroque styles, second in size in Mexico. We will also see the Baroque church of Santo Domingo and its beautiful Chapel of the Rosary, one of the most decorated in the country, covered with gold altarpieces of great sacred beauty.
Lunch in a traditional restaurant, with a variety of typical and international cuisine.
Puebla is recognized nationally for its haute cuisine, among other dishes the Mole, as well as for the tiles of Talavera so we will have a free time to walk through the historic center, lined with churches and old buildings and visit the Parían or market of handicrafts and sweets.
Return to Mexico City around 18:30 hrs

Tour Includes:
Departure Days: